In 1901 Tole McKenna is living here and is 80 years of age. His wife Mary is 60 and they are living with a son Michael who is 30 and a nephew Patrick who is 5 years old. Ten years later his son Michael has married Jane and they have two daughters, Annie who is 7 years old , Mary who is 4. At this stage they have just one son, Patrick who is 2 years old. Michael, Joseph and Jamie are born some years later. Paddy got married to a teacher and they lived in Carrick-On-Shannon.
This house received a bit of a rehab at some period in the 1950`s, it was the original home of Tole McKenna.
The other three boys never married and eventually moved to live in the house where the Glasgow family once lived. Michael died on 12th of June 1989. Jamie died on 5th of January 1997 and Joe died exactly 1 month later on 5th of February 1997.