The cottage which lay on the other side of the Sixtowns road, belonged, originally, to a Michael Conway who passed it on to his son Thomas (Tammy), hence, that family of Conways were known as the Tammys. In 1911, there is Thomas, his wife, Nancy, son Barney and daughters, Annie, Ellen and Susan, living in this house.
Katie (Tammy) (centre) with her two friends and close neighbours, Mary O`Hagan and Rosie (O`Hagan) Church.
Paddy (Tammy) and his wife Veronica (Bradley) (centre) with Rosie Church and Frank Gillespie.
Taking the thatch off Tammy`s house
The three Marys from the` Tap`.
L to R: Mary (McFarlane) O Hagan, Mary (Tammy) Conway, Mary (Barney) Conway
Angela and Mum Mary
The Tammy kids.
Back : Angela, Brian,
Front: Susan, Anna and Frances.