In the Griffiths Valuation we find that the occupant of this place was Robert Phillips and that is as far back as we can trace people here.
Towards the end of the 1880`s, Robert`s son, Edward, has taken over the house and farm. In 1901, Edward 47, is married to Margaret 35. They have a son, Alexander 14 and two daughters, Sarah Jane 11 and Martha 9 years old.
We do not know what became of Alexander and Sarah Jane but we know Martha married Willie Bradley, a brother of Alphie and Tom from Cavanreagh. They had no children and the place eventually passed on to Frank McNally`s family, after Martha died of old age.
The last occupants of this old house were Willie and Martha Bradley.

Anyone who attended Altayeskey in the past 50 years, will remember fondly, Martha who supervised the dinners at the school. She was the last living member of St. Anne`s church from Sixtowns and is buried there with her husband Willie. The house has been demolished to make way for a new house, belonging to the Begley family.