This house once belonged to a Brian O`Hagan who passed it on to Francis Quigley.
In fact there were two houses on this site. The other belonged to a Warnock family. In 1901 John Warnock 67, His wife, Margaret 56 and their daughter Mary M, lived in the other house. These two people were still there in 1901.
Francis Quigley died on April 9 1891. His wife Annie had died on March 13 1873. He had a son, Michael who died a year after him, on July 4 1892 and that was the end of the family here.
Peter Molloy from Moyard then bought the farm . He then left it to a niece, Susie McSorley from Goales in Glenelly. When she married Micheal McKeown from Dysert, that became their home until they both passed away. Susie willed the house and part of the farm to Joe Coyle from Straw, whose family lived there until they eventually sold it to Paddy McKenna (Billy).