This two storey stone house was built unusually close to the main road and most motorists would remember having to slow down to avoid the many different kinds of fowl pecking around on the street. The house has new owners but it was for generations the Barnett home. The last of this family to live here was Isobella, wife of Willie and her daughter May. Isobella was over 101 years old when she died. We can see that a byre and barn was built onto the dwelling, as was the tradition in the area. The doughill or dung heap would have been situated just below the byre door, There would have been a couple of fowl/pig houses attached to the upper end of the dwelling. It would have been a typical two storey farmhouse for its time. It is possible that this house would have been part of a clachan in that part of Moneyconey.
In 1832, there is a William Barnett living in this house. However; 30 years later, William is gone and the house goes to his son William who by 1901 is 70 years of age and the head of the family. He and his wife Sarah have two sons, William and James and a daughter called Mary. Around this time, William or Willie as he was known better, went to America along with his friend and neighbour Joseph Bradley. However Willie did not stay there and returned home to take over the family farm.
William Barnett died on 27th December 1945 and his his wife Bella died 22nd January 1980 aged 102.