This is a typical two storey farmhouse of the Sixtowns. It may have been raised from a thatched cottage at some time as is evident from its slated roof. There is the traditional barn and byre attached to the dwelling. However, there is no outside barn stairs attached but that would have been a common thing in some farmsteads.
Originally, this house belonged to a John Duffy who handed it on to his son, Pat. Hence this house was referred to as Pat John Dewey`s. (O`Dubhthaigh is the Irish for Duffy) . Pat and his wife, Bridget, had a son called John. These Duffys are the same Duffys as those just down the road from here. It seems like James and John Duffy were brothers. He never married and when he died Paddy Bradley from Moyard, bought the house and farm at some time in the late 1940`s when he married Bridget (Campbell) and reared their family there. It is still in his family today.