When Edward (Sen) divided his farm between his two sons, Patrick built a house behind the family house and reared his family there. His son Joseph then took over and he married Maggie McNally from Goles and they had four sons, Joseph, Patrick, Charles and Peter. They also had two daughters, Mary Margaret and Bridget. Mary Margaret married ? Hegarty from Tonagh and Bridget married Frank Moran from Crockmoran. Peter married Molly McCullagh from Glenroan, Glenelly, took over the farm from his father and reared his family there. Like John Bradley(Pat Roddy sen.) from Moyard Joseph crossed Moneyconey mountain to court his prospective wife. It is said that Maggie`s mother used to cross the mountain some Sundays to visit her daughter, taking in Mass at Sixtowns as well.
Joseph Connolly died Aug. 1936 and Maggie died March 1948.
The name Pat Ned was used to distinguish the family from other Connollys. It refers to Patrick (Pat) and his father Edward (Ned). This tradition was very common in Sixtowns and remains a huge help to people researching their family roots.
Joseph got married and made his home in London. Sadly, Charles and Patrick died young from T B. which was ravaging the country at the time. Patrick died on 28th March 1930 aged 25. Charles died on 22nd of February 1937 aged 30.