This house now belongs to Stella and George Shanks who have restored it beautifully. It was the home of two families of Bradleys down the generations.
James Bradley (Roddy), from Moyard, married the daughter of another Bradley who lived in this house and he moved down from Moyard and reared his family there, hence the nickname, Roddy. James was a brother of Paddy (Hugh Roddy) Bradley who once owned the bar that is now The Shepherd`s Rest.
This family were the last to live in this house. One of the girls in this family, Peg, who married Frank McNally, was Stella`s mother and she acquired the old house. She and George took great pride and pains to restore this little cottage to its original prime. Although they live in Denver, Colerado, they spent their holidays at home in Moneyconey and kept up the work for the duration of each holiday. George did most if not all of the construction work himself while Stella did the homemaking. They have made a huge contribution to the preservation of our old houses in Sixtowns.