It seems that the first Conway to rear a family in Evishkinavaddy, Glenviggan, locally called the “Tap”, was Bernard Conway (McConamy). Bernard eventually sold his place to Frank (Eoin) Bradley who came from Moneyconey beside the Barnetts.
The cottage in the picture above once belonged to a Mary Conway who had a son, Bernard, who took over the farm after his father died. Hence, this family were known as the Barneys. In 1901, Bernard is married to Catherine and they have have sons, Charles 7, Joseph 5and Peter 2 (Frank and Peter jun. were not yet born.) as wel as daughter Mary,
These people went on to own bars in Belfast and Newtownards.
Mary (Barney) Conway (right) never married and lived out her life in the home house.
Brian (Tammy) Conway (on left) went to work as a barman in Conway`s bar after he left school.
Below is Peter Conway`s bar in Greencastle, near Belfast. At one time during the Troubles it was said to have been the most bombed bar in the city. The family kept the place going despite everything which they endured over that period.
Frank had a bar in Durham Street, Belfast for a while and later owned a bar in Newtownards.
He retired to the Sixtowns and lived with his sister Mary at the original family home.
Joe went to Canada and then the USA before returning to Sixtowns where he bought Michael (Cormac) Bradley`s farm just above The Shepherd`s Rest bar. He remained single and when he died the place was sold to the Doyles.