In 1856 there were listed two families of Deanes. There was Thomas Deane and his family and there was Neal Deane and his family. This family were called the Pat Neillys because they were of Neal`s descent. One of these families (Thomas Deane) were Protestant and the other (Neal) were Catholic even though they were cousins. It was well known that they did not get along and some amusing stories were told about them.
In 1901, Neal is gone and his son Patrick and his wife Elizabeth 27, are living there with their daughters Bridget 9, Sarah Ann 7, Eliza Kate 5, Maggie 3 and Ellanor Jane the baby. Ten years later there is added to the family, Teresa and Agnes.
This family were the last of the two to leave Owenreagh and even though they moved to Belfast they still came back to visit in Owenreagh.
The family of Thomas Deane were still living in Owenreagh in 1901 as well. By that time Thomas and his wife are gone and their son Michael 49 and his wife Margaret 38, have sons, Thomas and Fred Washington Kinley 8 as well as daughters, Letitia 14 and Edith F 10. Also living with them is George Deane, nephew and Letitia Bell, his sister in law. It is interesting that Thomas named his son Fred Washington Kinley. Michael Deane became the gamekeeper for a McKinley, who owned the shooting rights for the Sixtowns, in his time. He was renowned for being an overjealous gamekeeper and was very unpopular in the community as the local people resented his boss`s claim to the gaming rights of their area. Any tenant caught poaching game by Deane could be liable to get evicted.
There is a record in the Newsletter of an incident where he went after three poachers near Lough Patrick and shot one of them in the leg. He ended up in Derry Jail and in court in Draperstown. There was another case where he was shot at himself while chasing a young poacher in Glenviggan
His son Washington was the last owner of the Lodge in Cavanreagh and after emigrating to Canada he sold it to Joeseph Bradley (John P`s father).